Upcoming band engagements:

A Note for band members: Please wear full band uniform, including black trousers or skirt and black shoes for all jobs (except for street carolling).

DateArrival TimePlaying TimeVenue
Sunday 23rd of FebruarytbctbcODBBA Winter Contest, Cokethorpe School
Sunday 27th of Apriltbcall dayODBBA Brass Festival
Saturday 3rd of May1.30pm2-3.30pmRed Lion, Yarnton, Beer festival
Saturday 14th of Junetbctbc afternoonRamsden fete 12-4pm
Saturday 19th of Julytbctbc afternoonGreat Barrington fete
Sunday 7th of September3.30pm tbc4-5pm tbcBegbroke Village Picnic
Sunday 19th of OctobertbctbcODBBA Entertainment Contest
Sunday 2nd of NovembertbctbcODBBA workshop with members of Flowers Band