Upcoming band engagements:

A Note for band members: Please wear full band uniform, including black trousers or skirt and black shoes for all jobs (except for street carolling).

DateArrival TimePlaying TimeVenue
Friday 21st of June6.30pm7-7.30pmWilliam Fletcher School Fete (starts 5.30pm) Main Band
Friday 21st of June6pm6.30-6.45pmWilliam Fletcher School Fete (starts 5.30pm) Training Band
Saturday 6th of July1pm or later MB1.30-2pm TB 3-3.30pm MBKidlington Parish Church fete (12.30-4pm) Training Band & Main Band
Saturday 27th of July 1.15pm 1.45-2.30 & 3.20-4pmLower Windrush Show & Fete, Great Barrington 1-4.30pm
Saturday 7th of September3.30pm4-5pmBegbroke Village Picnic
Friday 18th of October6pm6.30-7.30pmPrivate engagement, Blenheim
Sunday 20th of OctobertbctbcODBBA Entertainment Contest, Cokethorpe School
Saturday 30th of Novemberfrom 5.30pm6.30-8.30pmYarnton Village hall annual concert - training and main band
Sunday 23rd of February 2025tbctbcODBBA Winter Contest, Cokethorpe School
Saturday 14th of June 2025tbctbc afternoonRamsden fete 12-4pm